Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Inspiration Week!!

It is here again!! Inspiration Week!!
Tuesday/Today (4/10):
LOVE: Write a letter to your big telling her why she inspires you, etc.
Wednesday (4/11): HOPE: Sisterhood Movie Night!

Thursday (4/12): FAITH: Initiation at 6pm, 303B at the University Center

Friday (4/13):
WISDOM: Pearl ceremony

Greek Week also starts on Saturday!  The theme is Disney Movies and we are partnered with  AKΛ having the theme of the Mighty Ducks. A schedule/updates/Final results will be posted throughout the week!  Wish us luck!!!  Also, please wish our new girls good luck and congrats as they being initiated sisters this Thursday!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Founder's Day Update

Founders Day 2012
Nationally 114th Anniversary

 It's a big one for Gamma Rho!
It's our 45th Anniversary from our original installation in 1967
 Our 20th Anniversary from our re-charter in 1992

We will be celebrating with a brunch on April 22nd 12pm - 2pm.
at the
Quality Inn & Suites
8040 Perry Highway
Erie PA 16509

Check your mailboxes for you're invitations!

 If you would like to attend contact Sharon Tendler at 732-275-5395

Big, Little Night!!

       Tonight was Big, Little Night for our Spring '12 pledge class!  Both the Littles and the Bigs were extremely excited, and had an amazing time tonight!!  A list of the Bigs and Littles are below, with pictures to come.  Or check out our website for more pictures and upcoming dates that will also be posted on here!

Big, Little Night -- Spring '12

(Big / Little)
Lauren Fross / Chelsea Davis
Gina Prenni / Lisa Cimorelli
Rachel Wals / Marley McKenica
Nicole Tendler / Aliya Taylor
Chelsea Haijdu / Shannon Wolfram
Sara Szymanski / Sara Prenni

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Upcoming Events

April 12th -- Intiation

April 14th-21st -- Greek Week!!

April 20th -- Founders Day!

April 21st -- Formal!

April 22nd -- Founders Day Brunch!
We will post more info about these events soon!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sister of the Month!

For the month of February, our (Very First!!) Sister of the Month is . . .

Kelsey Lynn Crusse

Age: 20
Birthday: July 14, 1991
Major/Minor: Bachelors in Graphic Design & Associates is Business
Year: Junior//Senior
Hometown: Painesville, OH
Pledge class: Fall 2009
Positions in Chapter: T-Shirt Chair, Goals Coordinator on Honor Council, Vice President (Spring 11-Fall 11)
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Food: Chocolate!
Hobbies: Snowboarding, Sports, Graphic Design, Crafting!
Favorite Sigma/Greek Event: Greek Week!
Best Memory of Tri Sigma: Winning Greek Dance 2010!!
Who would play you in a movie of your life?: Kirsten Dunst
Who is your celebrity crush? Harvey from Sabrina the Teenage Witch
What superpower do you wish you had? The ability to eat and never get sick, full, or gain weight
Goals/Aspirations: Get a good job and have a family.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Are You Smarter Than a Sigma?

Yes, that was the theme for this year's philanthropy!  On February 29th, we put together the Gamma Rho version of "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?".  We raised about $300 for the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation, and had a lot of fun doing it. 

We also held a fundraiser this month to help with our philanthropy.  We sold lollipops in the Student Center for almost two weeks.  Each lollipop cost one dollar, but there was a catch!  Each lollipop had a number written on it, and that number correlated with how many raffle tickets the costumer won!  The raffle prize was a $50 Visa Gift Card!  It was a great successful for out first game show philanthropy, and we are preparing to make it even better next semester!  We are having another fundraiser for our dues now.  Many sisters are selling Sirres chocolate!  Let's up we raise more money!!

Check back in for more updates!! Or head over to our homepage.


Welcome to our Six New Members!!

On February 10th, 6 amazing ladies recieved bids to join the Gamma Rho Chapter!  Their ARC Ceremony took place a week after, February 17th, where each recieved her Violet and New Member pins.  The New Member Meetings are being conducted by Vice President Emily O'Malley, and the girls are so excited to be a part of our organiztion.  The Initiation date is to be determind later, and we will keep you updated. 

(In order from left to right)
Sara Prenni (Sister of Active Sister, Gina Prenni), Aliya Taylor, Shannon Wolfram, Marley McKenica, Lisa Cimorelli, and Chelsea Davis.

From the ARC Ceremony (In order from left to right)
Aliya Taylor, Shannon Wolfram, Chelsea Davis, Emily O'Malley (Vice President), Lisa Cimorelli, Marley McKenica, and Sara Prenni

For more pictures of the ARC Ceremoney, upcoming dates, and more information, check out our "official" website. Check back in for more updates about Gamma Rho as the semester continues.

Any questions, commnets, suggestions, or concerns, please contact Alumna Relations Chair Sammie Schohn or President Sharon Tendler.